Sunday, September 30, 2018

A Discourse to The Daily Press opinion of Brett Kavanaugh and the 7th FBI probe

Once again, the editors of the Daily Press of Newport News VA get it wrong. The Daily Depress does not report honestly or factually concerning the Democrat abuses in my opinion.

Where the paper gets it, wrong or does not report.

1. Democrats have championed the idea that Brett Kavanaugh should prove his innocence. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer " This is not a criminal trial, therefore there is no presumption of innocence."  Are we to say that a man can be accused of wrongdoing and tried in a court of public review without evidence of guilt or innocence? If we as Americans go down this road, the Democrats have laid then, "God help us all."

2. The Daily Depress in its review does not inform the reader to the fact that Dr. Ford was offered a one-on-one private interview. Dr. Ford seemed surprised and unaware of this offer. Dr. Ford goes on to remark, "I did not understand." Are we to believe Dr. Ford, a well-educated woman, does not understand the offer?  Was she never told of the offer?

3. The Daily Depress goes on to omit and inform its reader to the leak of the letter to the media. Who leaked the letter, to begin with, and why? There needs to be an investigation as to who leaked the letter. There needs to be an investigation into who paid for Dr. Ford's lawyers and who set up her lawyers. If we find that Ms. Feinstein set up the lawyers then she needs to be expelled from office in this readers view.

4. The Daily Depress goes on to omit other facts worthy of comment. Ms. Feinstein held this letter for almost two months. This reader believes Ms. Feinstein leaked the letter, held the letter for political gain only and does not give a rat’s ass if the woman was assaulted or not. Nor, does Ms. Feinstein care if she destroys a man career and family based on allegations from 36 years ago with no proof of said allegations. The paper goes on to hide the fact that others named have no knowledge of this allegation and have stated it never happened.

5. The Daily Depress goes on to omit and inform its readers of a possible payout to Dr. North for testifying. A "go fund me page" was started but by who? 530,00.00 has been raised but, who are the donors to the go fund me page? I bet if we investigate, we will find Democrats like George Soros and possibly Ms. Feinstein herself contributing in some manner covertly.

6. Where does the Daily Depress stand on 36-year-old accusations, from high school? Why now has the women come forward? There were many holes in her testimony and at last count 17 inaccuracies to her testimony. A lack of remembrance is merely a tactic so to not incriminate herself.  I believe, Dr. Ford knew Brett never accosted her hence the lack of remembrance and a want to stay anonymous.

7.  Are we now to hold all people accountable 30-40 years later for what they did in high school? Is this what the Democrats are saying? Think about it editors of the Daily Depress, remember your days in high school?

8. The Washington Examiner explains that a Polygraph test is not a test to determine if you lie or tell the truth. Experts interviewed by the Washington Examiner cast doubt, and assert that such tests are unable to assess at all whether a person is lying or truthful.

9. The Daily Depress reports, according to RAINN is a nonprofit organization and since 2008 has provided anonymous, online crisis support. These anonymous reports come with no proof of guilt or innocence. Are we to say, just because you are a woman you should be believed? This is dangerous and violates our constitution. Let us not forget, the Duke lacrosse team or the fraternity at UVA as reported by Rolling Stone. False allegations, by women, that ruined lives and was used by a bias media to attack white men.

10. The new FBI investigation will not provide any new evidence. This will be the 7th FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh. The Daily Depresses opinion that we need an investigation reeks of bias toward Republicans and attacks white men. This is indeed a political ploy and the Daily Depresses disregard of said ploy should be examined as bias.

11. I am not one to be blind to sexual assault. This does happen in our society and needs to be addressed. Are we so blind, we do not see where this type of behavior comes from? The easy access to Hollywood / California pornography needs to be addressed. How can women stand by and, not raise awareness of the harms of pornography concerning our young boys and men? Society itself needs to be re-examined. Single-family parenting contributes to delinquency in our society and yet Democrats stand by and watch as our values degrade. It is as if Democrats want us all on drugs, watching porn and attacking each other so they may take power and rule. It is obvious to me, Democrats want us all to be stupid and unable to care for ourselves.

In closing, The Daily Depress published "Where the newspaper stands," op-ed is an absolute disgrace and hit job on Brett Kavanaugh. The paper is selectively reporting based on an obvious bias toward white men. No good will ever come from this except to continue to divide America and the Daily Depress has once again embarrassed itself. 

Sunday, September 16, 2018

The lefts flight to be the rudest

In today’s society, people can become upset by just about anything and everything. This can be from differences in political beliefs, religion, and even the hats we wear on our heads. An opinion was written concerning a local cartoon found in the Williamsburg Gazette. The cartoon, coming from a conservative point of view was attacked and, the writer asked the local paper to stop printing the cartoon as it did not fit his agenda. I offered a discourse opinion, which was published. I wrote in part, "I blame Trump derangement syndrome as the cause for the writer's opinion and, I offered to help him find a doctor for his affliction."

In 2018, the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 to set aside a decision held by a Colorado Court against a baker who refused to serve a customer. The Supreme Court did not set aside the decision based on the refusal to provide a service based on religious beliefs, but rather on an anti-religious bias from local politicians and councils. 

In Asheville, North Carolina, a tow truck driver refused to tow a stranded car covered with “Bernie Sanders stuff,” and left a woman stranded on the highway.  From this, a progressive leftist family member took to the internet to call the tow truck driver a bigot. Attorneys for the tow truck driver stated he did not break any laws because political affiliation is not a protected right under the constitution.

A New York City judge ruled it legal to throw a person out of a bar if, they are wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

Secretary of Homeland Security, Helen Rosner, left a business meal early, not because the restaurant asked her to leave, but for being harassed by Democratic Socialists trying to entice a fight.

Sarah Huckabee is asked to leave a Virginia restaurant because she works for the POTUS.

Congressman Steve Scalise et al are shot and wounded by a deranged Bernie Sanders supporter while practicing for a baseball game.

Maxine Waters has decided it is ok to send her constituents into the streets to harass politicians and Trump supporters. (I am just waiting for someone to do that to me. I am prepared to defend myself and at all times.)

Now we have another democrat Diane Feinstein, holding a secret letter given to her in July and sent to the FBI in September. I have to ask, if the letter was that important then why did the letter not make it to the FBI sooner? This same letter has secret information, from a secret person, now known as Christine Ford. Ford a democrat and from, you guest it California, has come forward 35 years later, concerning Brett Kavanaugh's high school days. I have to ask, Are democrats so low, they have to go all the way back to high school? 

We have John Kerry holding secret meetings with Iran to undermine the present administration. Keep in mind folks, Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism but, I guess that is ok with Obama. As for Obama, he has crushed the long-held tradition of not campaigning after his time in office. Maybe Obama should not have mocked and made fun of DJT  years ago after all, huh.....

Don’t even get me started on how the media and opinion writers like Leonard Pitts and Eugene Robinson have treated the POTUS. It is not a wonder the POTUS has counter punched vile reports and opinions at every turn.

Going forward we have to ask ourselves, where does the leftist race to be the ill-behaved end? Will a school-age student be denied a chance to play sports based on the parent’s political beliefs or the beliefs of the child? What if I work for a private power co-op utility or water utility?  Can a company make a rule to turn the power back on in Democrat-dominated districts first? Can a private water utility deny service to a Republican who may have a “Make America Great Again” sign in his yard? Do I provide the service of catching a baby, dropped from a second-story burning house because there is a Bernie Sanders sign in the yard?

In conclusion, I believe the Democratic Party has played a role in the denying of services by spewing hatred and calls for resistance all across America. Verbal and physical attacks made by progressive liberals at political rallies and in public, combined with their rude behavior on Capitol Hill, should be identified as Trump derangement syndrome. If you need a doctor for your affliction, there are plenty of psychiatrist in the yellow pages. If you cannot seek help or deny your disease perhaps, we need "political-affiliation" to be protected by the constitution from said deranged progressives.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Part one: The Northern aggression during the Jim Crow era and what it means today to Mexico's new agreement with the US

The Northern aggression during the Jim Crow era and what it means today to Mexico's new agreement with the US.

Part one: History of the Beacon Davis Act
Part two takes us to the present Mexico -US NAFTA proposed agreement
Part three is a diagram explaining Union - Democrat poverty cycle

In 1931 a bill was passed as law. This bill was racist as Jim Crow laws of the same period. The Davis Beacon Act was passed to keep minorities in the south from migrating north and taking white laborer jobs. Before 1931 more than eighty percent of all un-skilled construction workers found in 6 southern cities were black. Union labor excluded blacks in the North from training and licensing for the pure fact of racism, protectionism and purposely made it impossible to join.

A Veterans Bureau Hospital built prior to 1931 was awarded to an Alabama contractor who brought unskilled, low-wage laborers to New York to fully fill a contract to build. James Davis, a Senator from Pennsylvania, and Robert Beacon of Long Island NY created this bill to thwart blacks' progress in America and keep local jobs for their constituents that were paid for with pork barrel funds from the federal government coffers. 

The Davis Beacon Act sought prevailing wages to be paid to all labor, and the wages were to reflect the local market wage. So, I am trying to tell you that a black person from Alabama making 1.00 an hour would have to be paid the same as the white worker in another locality making 2.00 an hour. One might say that is a good thing, black people making the same money as white people, but wait, there is more to think about. As a contractor, if you have to pay someone the same wage for the same work, are you going to choose the person (sometimes a neighbor) who lives in the locality or pay someone you don't know from out of state? Remember, these workers from the south also had to be fed and housed by the employer, and all the local workers had to do was go home. You decide who you would hire.

After the passage of this bill, the impact on the black community was not what one would have expected. Un-skilled black workers banned from joining unions to receive the training needed for the requirement of skilled labor and increased wages was devastating. The use of a prevailing wage kept government projects in the hands of unions and white skilled labor in the North.

The cost of the Beacon Davis Act today is an extra one-billion-plus dollars according to what I could find on the subject and, if repealed, could add tens of thousands of jobs in the construction industry. Free trade and labor markets help un-skilled people get the "on-the-job training" they need to build a life for themselves and their families without the need for government assistance.

Walter Williams Race and Economics: How much can be blamed on discrimination.

Virginia's All In: School funding questions asked and go unanswered.

  The Daily Press wrote an opinion today. Pandemic funds were used in 2024 to promote Glen Youngkins's All-In approach to helping studen...