Thursday, April 13, 2023

Water an important terrorist threat.

Reference: The Daily Press, 4-13-2023, wrote an opinion concerning our power infrastructure. 

Dearest Daily Press, 

Thank you for giving me so much to write about for my blog for the last ten years. Today marks one of the few times we agree. Ukraine has shown us we can live without power, and while power is important to those who are not self-reliant, we cannot live without water. The American power grid is at risk. There are other more important risks as well. 

Water: To be exact potable water. Every manhole is access to water. Every backflow preventer, every force main that runs through a secluded area of a region, is at risk of poisoning or sabotage. Thousands of miles of pipe and infrastructure are at risk. Not our intakes and treatment plants, as they are at least reasonably secure. I can guarantee you there are simple weapons of terrorism, if initiated, that could poison potable water in every urban center throughout America. With the proper education, terrorism is valid.

"The potential for terrorism is not new. In 1941, Federal Bureau of Investigation Director J. Edgar Hoover wrote, "It has long been recognized that among public utilities, water supply facilities offer a particularly vulnerable point of attack to the foreign agent, due to the strategic position they occupy in keeping the wheels of industry turning and in preserving the health and morale of the American populace." Water infrastructure systems are also highly linked with other infrastructure systems, especially electric power, transportation, and the chemical industry, which supplies treatment chemicals, making the security of all of them an issue of concern. These types of vulnerable interconnections were evident, for example, during the August 2003 electricity blackout in the Northeast United States: wastewater treatment plants in Cleveland, Detroit, New York, and other locations that lacked backup generation systems lost power and discharged millions of gallons of untreated sewage during the emergency, and power failures at drinking water plants led to boil-water advisories in many communities. Likewise, natural disasters such as the 2005 Gulf Coast hurricanes and the 2007 Mississippi River floods caused extensive and costly damage to multiple infrastructure systems—transportation, water, electric power, and telecommunications."

There are solutions to terrorism, natural disasters, hurricanes, and flooding. Still, it is not reducing carbon emissions or mining rare minerals to make batteries, nor is it continuing to buy batteries from countries that use slave labor. It is a new way of conveyance from the home to the treatment plant. It is called effluent sewering. 


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