Thursday, March 23, 2023

Chesapeake Education Association goes woke

Daily Press 3-23-2023. Author Amands Lambert, a member of the Chesapeake Education Association, wrote an opinion that was published recently. Here is my discourse to her comments. I wrote the board chairman with my concerns. 

Amanda Lamber does not speak for all teachers. I hope you will see fit to remind her when attacking the Governor of Virginia and pushing her left-wing ideology on other teachers. We will read what can be only a political tirade you approved in today's paper.  

I can speak for teachers in this case. My wife is a teacher. My daughter is a teacher. Both of my wife's parents are retired teachers. I taught the electrical trade as an adjunct professor at a community college for several years. I hear the daily stories of how we are exploiting our teachers in every county as to compensation. "We don't get into teaching for the money," my wife says. I'll share with you some other issues Amanda didn't acknowledge. 

1. Ask one of us if we support the current administration? The fact is Jeff, Amanda does not seem to understand. All pay raises come from the City or County. Funding does come from the state but at the expense of other equally needed programs. You'll need to remind your treasurer to go to the City or County Boards of Supervisors if she wants a raise next time. If you don't like the pay quit or move, and it is that simple. Many teachers have taken that stance, and honestly, who can blame them? Pay will increase as the demand for teachers increases due to the lack of teachers. We call this supply and demand a worthy capitalist theory on which our country is based. A class that is rarely taught in school today is finance; perhaps we pursue a worthy goal as to every student can balance a checkbook. I am astonished to see Amanda is your treasurer; she must think money grows on trees. Is an audit needed? 

2. Ask one of us if a parent should participate in the learning process? This a tricky question when many parents of poor means can barely read at an 8th-grade level. Amanda can only blame the local school district and teachers who came before her for allowing students to be graduated from high school and can't do 8th-grade math or on a 12th-grade reading level. Parents who lack understanding of essential learning should be unable to make decisions for their children. Parents with at least a college education should be able to make decisions concerning their children's welfare.
     It is as if parents should have to take a test to parent, and if they fail this test of parenting, the school system makes the best decisions for the child. Ask one of us how long it will take for left-wing progressives like Amanda to call this idea racist. People are of little means for many reasons, Jeff. Generally, it has nothing to do with education, although primary education is desired. It comes down to making good decisions in life, and if we don't teach "good decision making" children will suffer. We see this every day now, with guns in the hands of teenagers making bad decisions. We teach to blame everyone else, every inanimate object but we do not teach to blame ourselves, as Amanda blames our Governor as an example. 

3. Ask one of us if pronouns of choice should call a child. There are only two sexes, and your local biology teacher will provide you with that truth if they possess reasonable sound judgment. Are we to continue to allow school districts to move sex predators from one school to another, raping and pillaging until a parent figures it out and sues the left-wing progressive school district like Fairfax County? 

4. Ask one of us if Amanda has made an assumption. Our Governor has never said he is seeking election to another office. Amanda has made a false statement and should clarify that statement; otherwise, your organization comes off as political in nature and deserves to be ignored. 

5. Ask one of us why we judge Amanda in the same nature as she judges Julian Balow. If you want to judge others and pretend we are all perfect by all means, and when I say, "Lord, it is hard to be perfect, but I keep getting better at it every day." Throw those rocks, those of you who live in glass houses thinking you know better. Amanda failed again to acknowledge Ms. Barlow understood some mistakes were made and that the history curriculum was under review. Amanda wants to talk about whitewashing history yet obviously does not remember the removal of historical art in many towns and cities of our country. Yes, Amanda, your progressive liberals thinking will tear down confederate monuments ()historical art), and that is ok, yet that is the very whitewashing of history you so detest. The rock you throw has now entered your glass house.  

6. Ask one of us if teaching CRT and gender identity to students is a good idea? Jeff, some teachers are destroying the minds of children. Are you one of them?  I suspect Amanda may have been indoctrinated, her mind destroyed, by some left-wing progressive college professor hiding behind locked doors and tall walls of a college or university. 

Amanda makes valid points in her recent left-wing political tirade published in the Daily Press. I acknowledge each as an issue, albeit one might think there could be solutions. Making this political will certainly not get you a seat at the decision-making table. I take exception to making this political and attacking our Governor. The voters voted, and the majority spoke. You can continue to criticize or get on board. Lord knows I had to suffer through 4 years of Ralph (black face - baby killer) Northam. 

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