Monday, June 6, 2022

Virginia Senator Mark Warner's apathy for the voter

I wanted to highlight one of the biggest issues we have with our representation at the Federal level. The following letter was sent to Mark Warner, a Democrat Senator from Virginia. If you find yourself here reading this, note the response to my letter. Note the response informs me I have written about Robb Elementary School in TX. In fact, I never mentioned the School at all in my letter. This is nothing more than a $10.00 an hour lacky using a form letter developed for responses to recent shootings. Mark Warner never addresses my letter. Note the difference in fonts for my name and the letter. This is nothing more than apathy for the voter. Our biggest issue is apathy and this apathy for the voter starts with the local leaders all the way to the President.

My letter to Senator Mark Warner:

All Concerned, 

Today, the Daily Press in Hampton Roads had an article on June 5th, 2022. "It is initialed "Seeking safety on city sidewalks."

"He was struck by a driver in a hit-and-run on East Little Creek Road. His death came as a shock to family members. He hit him," I want you to think about this. When a driver kills someone with a car or truck, the media, in this case, blames the driver.

The use of a vehicle as a weapon in a terrorist attack is not new. Recent terrorist incidents and violent extremist propaganda demonstrate that the use of vehicles as a weapon continues to be of interest to those wishing to cause harm. Attacks of this nature require minimal capability but can have a devastating impact in crowded places with low levels of visible security. We have seen carnage like this in America and across the world, whereby not 19 like texas, but, in some cases, 50+ people lose their life as they did in France. Foreign terrorist organizations encourage arson attacks in the U.S. because of its perceived simplicity and potential to cause significant and widespread damage.

May 23rd, 2022, Santa Anna, CA. Three children were injured as they walked to school in Santa Ana Monday morning when a man drove onto the sidewalk and struck them. The scene unfolded just prior to 8:30 a.m. on Keller Avenue neat Taft Elementary School, where moments earlier, a man had been asked to leave the School's campus as he was trespassing. He was escorted by authorities before getting back into his vehicle. It was then that he drove onto the sidewalk, striking the three children. All of the victims were taken to a hospital for treatment, though they are all said to be in stable condition. Two of the children were students of Taft Elementary, while the third, a cousin of one of the students, was walking them to school.

Arson-initiated wildland fires in the U.S., especially in the west, resulted in major human, property, infrastructure, environmental, and economic losses. About 40 percent of all U.S. homes are in the wildland-urban interface (WUI)b communities, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce, putting these communities at greater risk of wildfires. Although most WUI arson incidents in the Homeland resulted in criminal charges unassociated with terrorism, messaging by terrorists may result in acts of arson connected to terrorism. Has it ever occurred to you once that the California wildfires might be related to terrorists? (

According to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime's 2019 Global Study on Homicide, knives were the weapon of choice in 97,183 homicides in 2017, a full 22% of the world's total. Knife attacks and stabbing deaths occur all over the globe, from those with high rates of violent crime to the safest countries in the world. That said, the frequency of knife-related violence (which includes not only knives but also other "sharp objects" such as scissors or axes) varies greatly from one region to the next.

In North America, firearm deaths were responsible for roughly 76% of all homicides, with knife-related homicides accounting for less than 20%. However, the numbers are reversed in Europe, where guns account for barely 20% of homicides, but knives are used nearly 40% of the time. In fact, the United Nations identified sixteen countries in which knives and sharp instruments were used in more than half of the country's homicides. What does this mean? This means where guns are confiscated, knives become the number one weapon of murder and mayhem. In Cuba, where no firearms are allowed to be owned. 76% of the murders are by knife.

James City County is a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County. That means federal laws on gun confiscation mean nothing to us as it means nothing to many counties in Virginia. 
The fault is not the gun but the person who pulls the trigger, the person who drives the car, the person who lights the match, and the person who wields a knife. I find it hypocritical of anyone to suggest guns kill and then turn around and ignore the same for cars, arson, and knives. A person has to light the match, a person has to drive the car, a person to thrust the knife, and they blame the person, but I will be damned, liberals blame the gun, not the person when a gun is used.

As I have written many times. Gun violence is a direct result of our failing society. Our will to turn our backs on God and Religion, the destruction of the family structure. The day higher-level academia, politicians who present apathy to the real issues, and liberals in question finally realize Dr. Walter Williams, and I have been right for 20 years, America will be a better place to live.  

Mark Warners Response:

Dear Mr. Johnson,

          I have received your letter regarding the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, which resulted in the deaths of 19 children and two teachers. There are no words to express the magnitude of this tragedy.

          As a father, I can only begin to imagine the immeasurable grief these families and the Uvalde community are feeling. As a member of Congress, I am pushing my colleagues to finally act.

          It doesn't need to be this way. The majority of Americans want stronger gun safety laws, and Congress must take action.

          I am a gun owner and a strong supporter of the Second Amendment right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. But we have seen time and time again the deadly consequences that can follow when dangerous weapons land in the wrong hands.

          According to statistics from the Gun Violence Archive, in 2021, the number of mass shootings in the U.S. increased to nearly 700, and over 300 children younger than 12 years old were killed with a firearm. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that in 2020, there were 45,222 firearm deaths in the United States.

          I am committed to working with my colleagues from both parties to advance commonsense, achievable legislation to curb gun violence.

          That is why I joined Senator Kaine in introducing the Virginia Plan to Reduce Gun Violence Act of 2021. The bill would enact a series of commonsense gun violence prevention measures, like those adopted by the Commonwealth, including measures to remove firearms from those at risk of harming themselves or others, close background check loopholes, mandate reporting of lost and stolen firearms, prevent children from accessing firearms, and implement a one-handgun-a-month policy.

          These commonsense policies help to make our communities safer by keeping guns out of the wrong hands while still respecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

          I am also a co-sponsor of the Assault Weapons Ban, which would ban the sale, transfer, manufacture, and importation of military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines. I wrote about my decision to support this policy in a Washington Post op-ed. To read the op-ed, visit

          We must also strengthen our background-check system. That is why I have cosponsored the Background Check Expansion Act. The bill would expand federal background checks to include the sale or transfer of all firearms by private sellers, with certain commonsense exceptions like gift-giving between family members.

          It is incumbent on all of us to change policy, laws, and minds to make our communities safer. We owe it to victims and their families to stop talking about the problem and start doing something to address it.

United States Senator

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