Saturday, November 10, 2018

My open offer to College lecture: Rural conservative values and to shed light on the puppet masters.

A few weeks ago, I wrote within my blog the following: “Diversity a range of different things.” And “The Unobtainable Equality.”

I had sent copies to Katherine Rowe, President of William and Mary. I believe the common conservative opinion is often silenced by local and national media and in our classrooms. I wanted to share my ideas, address misconceptions, and teach that we can make good decisions through knowledge.

Ms. Rowe’s response was as follows.

 “Though our views differ on many of the matters you raise, I appreciate you sharing your
thoughts with me. One area of potential alignment is ensuring a range of views,
including those from more conservative perspectives, are welcomed to campus. I have
extended some speaker invitations to do just that.” 

I am grateful to respond to my concerns and offer this abstract for consideration to speak at Colleges and Universities. The question becomes, are College Presidents brave enough to turn me loose on their students? 

In this Lecture, we would discuss the following:

  • We will examine the common conservative, rural living and small business owners’ collective thoughts concerning politics and a way of life.
  • We will examine the ideologies of rural living and urban living. Is it Republication vs. Democrat or Urban vs. Rural?
  • We will create discussion around the thoughts as to why urban politicians will sometimes refer to rural inhabitants as racist, deplorable, and stupid. We will discuss why rural America views urban cities as lacking morality.
  • We will discuss why the mainstream media and Hollywood attacks rural America with degrading cartoons, opinions, and contempt. 
  • We will take a look at famous people and politicians. How do they influence the population?
  • What can Socrates teach us? 
  • Closing remarks.

Part one: Who is the MAGA voter?
Abstract: Who is the MAGA voter? Why is southern heritage disparaged in colleges, the
media, and Hollywood? Who is the real southern rural conservative? How can our values
help you become successful in life?

The common rural conservative
I grew up in the small town of Appomattox, VA. I have lived in large metropolitan cities since I was 21 years of age. My observations of residing in a large metropolitan yet, living by rural moral standards differ me from others. I understand I am not special and to allow identity politics to claim you are special simply because of the color of your skin or heritage is nonsense according to our rural way of life. According to urban Democrats, I am stupid, deplorable, and now, get this, an uninformed racist. Why?

Who am I? I am a rural raised, self-sufficient, lawful conceal-carry permit holder, NRA member, motorcycle rider, hunter/gatherer and, a tactical gun enthusiast who can thrust a 30-caliber bullet downrange, 800 yards, into a deer’s lung. Yes, my dear college professors, I can utilize mathematical ballistics and variables like a minute of angle, windage, humidity, elevation, temperature, barometric pressure, gravity, and the Coriolis Effect to launch a rocket the size of a pencil tip into an 8 x 11 sheet of paper at 800 yards. I took shop in high school, was an FFA member, and became an accomplished welder by 13. I have had a job since I was 10 years old. I have delivered newspapers, worked dairy farms, washed dishes, planted trees, garbage collector, a furniture plant worker, and all before the age of 21.

Today, I am the person who makes sure the water you drink is clean. I use advanced mathematics and science to calculate the important tasks of making sure the dinosaur pee you depend on is potable. I am responsible for ensuring you do not die or are sickened by cholera, dysentery, amoebiasis, giardia, and other water-borne diseases. Your life is in the hands of a deplorable Trump supporter; it is a good thing; you are wrong about us. It is a good thing that I am tolerant of urban media pundits and the politician’s lies that spew hate for us.

Lastly, I have been homeless, a functioning alcoholic, drug use in my teens and college years was regrettable. I grew up in the 1970s and, if you want to use this against me, then go right ahead, as I do not worry about what any of you think of me. I have made my share of mistakes and, I still made it without complaining too much about my past and how others kept me down. I have owned up to taking responsibility for my actions. My good decisions have outweighed my bad decisions. Thusly, I am wealthy, married 28 years to a wonderful spouse, two grown children that have never been a minute’s trouble. My daughter will practice speech pathology after graduate school, and my son, a sophomore in college, is studying economics and doing well. After 4 and 6 years of College, each will come out only owing about fifteen thousand dollars as my wife, and I have paid the rest. We live and have lived by a few rules I share today. Let’s discuss the top 10 rules of the common conservative.

  1. It is not what you make. It is what you spend.
  2. Is it a want or a need?
  3. Do not convent thy neighbor’s possessions. In other words, don’t let what others
    have achieved get you down.
  4. Stay focus on what you can change about yourself.
  5. Delayed satisfaction is the key to wealth.
  6. Learn from your mistakes.
  7. The ladder of achievement is generational. There are few shortcuts.
  8. Do not have children outside of wedlock.
  9. Do not have children you cannot afford.
  10. (Number one rule) Children who grow up in a committed relationship between a man and woman have the best chance for success and the best chance to eliminate poverty. This idea alone creates the best chance for success.

The common conservative’s beliefs

In this segment of our discussion, we will examine the true common conservative. My findings are based on common conversation with those in my industry over the last 30 years. We are small business owners, mostly rural upbringing, high school educated, college-educated engineers, and 95% of us are pro-gun, nationalist, and Pro POTUS. We will discuss common traits of the rural small businessperson.

Republicans. We don’t care about your skin color; this is a progressive liberal lie about rural. We care about how you take care of yourself, how you take care of your family, and how you accept responsibility for your actions. The president’s immigration policy is a lot like a rural business owner's decision to hire.

Let me explain; I like to write; I am not the greatest writer, the best writer. Creators Syndicate, I would assume, wants the best writers for their business. Why not let all writers be published based on equality? I am a small business owner, I want to hire the best available employees I can find. Why should I have to hire based on skin color or race? I like to speak on conservative values; why not let me speak at William and Mary....... where is the diversity? Why should academia be the only speakers you hear from, so I have no value? They all want what they deem to be the best. Elites look for education and experience. Small rural business owners look for talent and experience. Your best speakers have talent and a vision that others will follow.

We also care if you are self-sufficient. To be self-sufficient, one must not need outside help in satisfying their basic needs nor, should you want what others have achieved. I am 57-years old and have never taken a dime in handouts from the government (food stamps, unemployment, housing subsidies, etc.) I would have rather been homeless, living in a tent, and did so. We do not discriminate based on race in this respect.

We have learned to make good decisions; however, colleges do not want to lend a hand to those who work for a living or better themselves. Is this because we work too hard and make good decisions. Are we too successful? In the last month, UVA declared free tuition for those who make less than 80,000 dollars. This is discrimination towards those who have achieved and worked harder. Colleges reward scholarship and admittance based on skin color, background, and wealth. We see higher education discriminating against people based on race. Is it fair to allow a person into college with 
lower SAT scores and GPA based on race? Harvard University seems to think so. We believe your work ethic is your grounds for admittance into the workforce, so should it be for College. We care not when it comes to skin color or race in the private sector, we care about probable success.

We do help those who are less fortunate, despite what most Democrats may think. According to ChristianityToday, 10 million Americans donate more than 50 billion dollars to religious and charitable causes each year. However, these donations are falling because of debt inherited by our children and, a move away from religion. Most rural business owners are religious and give regular penance to the church, which helps the poor.

Part two: Why do others ridicule southern men?

Start Powerpoint here:
PowerPoint example: Slides to discuss.

Why is the white southern man the only demographic, ok to make fun of, disparage, hate, and insult? Why does the mainstream media, Hollywood, Colleges and Democrats not care? (wait for a response as you run through these slides) discuss.

"Deliverance is the most influential image that there's ever been in the modern period,"
"That's what Hollywood wants us to think of the rural South. Get out of the civilized
world and you're going to be surrounded by these people." I assure you we are not what
Hollywood depicts us as.

"They're all designed to showcase the pathologies of poor white people for middle-class
viewers," "It's a foil for suburban or urban classes who can effectively feel superior to
poor whites."

This is the same divineness that accompanied the Dixie Democrats or
Dixiecrats in the late 1940s. Their slogan was “segregation forever.” Dixiecrats wanted
division. Dixiecrat's protest was to segregate based on the color of the person's skin. Today, we see the same thing when Democrats attack southern white men, this is meant to divide us, to humiliate us, as did the Dixiecrats humiliate blacks in the late 1940s.

The Politically correct America has few "safe" groups to poke fun at these days. The white poor is still one of them and the liberal left as exemplified by Hillary Clinton’s boast calling us deplorable for the mere fact of who we voted for, is somehow still ok. The news media regularly runs cartoons depicting poor white southerners in demeaning ways. Urban opinion writers like Leonard Pitts and Eugene Robinson call us stupid and ignorant because of whom we voted for. Why is this still ok? (I believe it is meant to divide us.)

Part Three: A study of famous people
Famous Hampton Sydney Graduate:
Stephen Tyrone Colbert is an American comedian, writer, producer, actor, and television host. He is best known for hosting the satirical Comedy Central program. Stephen Colbert is a Hampton Sydney College graduate. You may already know that Colbert grew up in South Carolina, but you may not know that he consciously trained himself to speak differently from those around him. “At a very young age, I decided I was not gonna have a Southern accent. Stephen Colbert once said “Because people, when I was a kid watching TV, if you wanted to use a shorthand that someone was stupid, you gave the character a Southern accent. And that's not true. Southern people are not stupid. But I didn't wanna seem stupid. I wanted to seem smart. And so I thought, ‘Well, you can't tell where newsmen are from."

Stephen Colbert on politics: "However, the next best thing is to vote for Herman Cain."

“He’s an outsider - how much more an outsider can you be? He’s not even running!” said Colbert. “If people hunger for a Colbert candidacy, then they should vote for Herman Cain on Saturday, and then I will know that people out there share both my and Herman Cain’s values.” “Herman Cain is my main man. He’s my main man with a tax plan so fine, they called it 9-9-9. The Mad Max of the flat tax, he’s a family man, he’s pro-business." My point is, we have a lot in common. Mr. Stephen Colbert, however, will often attack the current POTUS. Why does Mr. Colbert attack DJT when they seem to have much in common? DJT is a family man; he is pro-business, wants lower taxes, and is an outsider? What considerations might Mr. Colbert deem DJT as unworthy? (Stop here for student input.) Discuss.

Kanye West: “Kanye West is what happens when negroes don’t read.”

"That is how CNN commentator Bakari Sellers, who is black, responded to Kanye West’s meeting in the Oval Office this week with President Donald Trump. Sellers made his insulting remarks on the CNN Tonight program with host Don Lemon, who is also an African American, precipitating approving laughter from Lemon, and fellow commentator Tara Setmayer, who is also black.
Setmayer was particularly vicious in her insults of West because he dared to speak favorably of Trump, calling him “an attention whore like the president,” adding, “Black folks are about to trade Kanye West in the racial draft,” dismissing West as “the token Negro of the Trump Administration.” There were even insinuations that West has mental problems, supposedly explaining his wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap at the White House."

Donald Trump, Jr. responded on Twitter, accurately describing what had occurred. “Kanye dares to think for himself, so @CNN commentators mock him, saying Kanye (a wildly successful businessman) ‘is what happens when negroes don’t read.’ At some point, you have to ask, why is free thought & expression so dangerous & scary to liberals.”

The answer to Donald Jr.’s question is quite obvious. The overwhelming black support for liberal Democrats is essential to the Democrats’ continued competitiveness in American politics. Without the African American vote, which is consistently between 85- 95 percent Democrat, the Democrats simply could not win a national election.

That is why every time a well-known black person such as Kanye West dares to support a Republican, or take a conservative viewpoint, that person must be shamed, and if necessary, have their reputation shredded, complete with name-calling, with names such as “Oreo" (referring to the cookie and meaning black on the outside, white on the inside), “Negroes,” or “Uncle Toms.”

Reference: Steve Byass of The New America

Famous Comedians, and the left: I think those like Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Samantha Bee, Trevor Noah, Jon Oliver, Jon Stewart do not possess the knowledge to make good decisions. Television is like Plato’s Allegory of the cave. If you have not done so, take a philosophy class. Take at least one, and I hope you study classical Greek philosophy; the Socratic method is a method worthy of your time and study. This will help you in business once you reach the outside world. If you prioritize, go to the library and check out a book on the subject. I believe the puppets on the wall are actors and comedians like Stephen Cobert but, they are not real forms, they are not the puppet masters. The puppet's masters are the Media, the powerful Hollywood executives who, are pushing an agenda in combination with Liberals who want to change the world you live in. They do this by casting shadows on the wall that are not real but deceptive in nature. The facts are, the Media controls what we see and hear and the narrative. Kanye West opened his mind; he looked left and right, broke the chains, and walked out.

They hate Republicans and anyone not on the left of American politics, as describe a few minutes ago. How many jokes or skits have you seen or heard, ever seen or heard, about Obama, Clinton, Biden, Schumer, Waters, Pelosi, or Harry Reid? You didn't get to laugh at the hilarious skit about Hillary collapsing on election night because there has never been such a skit; oh, but Alec Baldwin doing Donald Trump is 'hilarious.' Comedians who can only be funny on one side aren't comedians; they're political hacks. How I miss Carol Burnett, Flip Wilson and Red Skelton, these were true comedians.

Perhaps Mr. Colbert’s time at Hampton Sydney taught him nothing?

Look at today’s hosts. Jimmy Kimmel goes on a rant about how good Obamacare is — and how awful people are if they don’t think so. Stephen Colbert goes on a profanity-laced tirade targeting conservatives. I believe in  “Come here as boys so you may leave as men,” One has to ask, Does the vile rhetoric of Stephen Colbert hidden behind comedy really a Hampton Sydney College trait to be proud of? Did he really leave as a man? 

Congressmen elect Dan Crenshaw: A Veteran was recently mocked by SNL.

Congressman Crenshaw lost his eye in combat as a Navy Seal “We do not have to be
outraged by offensive material because it was offensive.”

Washington (CNN) A Republican congressman-elect who was the target of an insensitive joke on SNL, referring to him as a porn star because of his eye patch, said Wednesday that entertainers and politicians, including President Donald Trump, should tone down their divisive rhetoric and not "attack someone's core."

Dan Crenshaw -- who lost his right eye in 2012 while serving as a Navy SEAL in Iraq -- urged athletes and comedians Wednesday to "take a break from politics."

"Please don't politicize your comedy in a way that is just mean-spirited," he told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on "New Day." "And that's what happened, but it happens a lot more than just that. I think the American people could use a break." "I'm going to try to be part of the solution there, not part of the problem," he continued. "And by that I mean, don't attack someone's core, don't attack someone's intent if you disagree with them. "The Houston-area congressman-elect also said that Trump should use less incendiary speech." I would always call for him to tone down the rhetoric sometimes and lower the temperature," Crenshaw said. "It would certainly help."

But Crenshaw also lamented the overly personal attacks that he felt were directed at conservatives." Especially on the conservative side, we feel as though every time we have a policy disagreement, the left attacks who we are," he said. "They attack our intent as if we were bad people."

Republican Congressman Ben Crenshaw sends a message we all need to learn from. Don’t attack a person core, making fun of southern white men, poor urban blacks, Jewish community and the Muslim community are just wrong. Hollywood and the Main Stream Media seems to think this is also wrong until, “you guessed it,” white conservative southern men and those who agree with our current POTUS.

Part four Socrates: What can we learn from this man

“Socrates is one of the few individuals whom one could say has so-shaped the cultural and intellectual development of the world that, without him, history would be profoundly different. He is best known for his association with the Socratic method of question and answer, his claim that he was ignorant (or aware of his own absence of knowledge), and his claim that the unexamined life is not worth living for human beings. He was the inspiration for Plato, the thinker widely held to be the founder of the Western philosophical tradition. Plato, in turn, served as the teacher of Aristotle, thus establishing the famous triad of ancient philosophers: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Unlike other philosophers of his time and ours, Socrates never wrote anything down but was committed to living simply and interrogating the everyday views and popular opinions of those in his home city of Athens. At the age of 70, he was put to death at the hands of his fellow citizens on charges of impiety and corruption of the youth. His trial, along with the social and political context in which occurred, has warranted as much treatment from historians and classicists as his arguments and methods have from philosophers.

i. Unity of Virtue; All Virtue is Knowledge
In the Protagoras (329b-333b), Socrates argues for the view that all of the virtues— justice, wisdom, courage, piety, and so forth—are one. He provides several arguments for this thesis. For example, while it is typical to think that one can be wise without being temperate, Socrates rejects this possibility on the grounds that wisdom and temperance both have the same opposite: folly. Were they truly distinct, they would each have their own opposites. As it stands, the identity of their opposites indicates that one cannot possess wisdom without temperance and vice versa.
This thesis is sometimes paired with another Socratic view, that is, that virtue is a form of knowledge (Meno 87e-89a; cf. Euthydemus 278d-282a). Things like beauty, strength, and health benefit human beings but can also harm them if they are not accompanied by knowledge or wisdom. If virtue is to be beneficial, it must be knowledge since all the qualities of the soul are in themselves neither beneficial nor harmful but are only beneficial when accompanied by wisdom and harmful when accompanied by folly.

ii. No One Errs Knowingly/No One Errs Willingly

Socrates famously declares that no one errs or makes mistakes knowingly (Protagoras 352c, 358b-b). Here we find an example of Socrates’ intellectualism. When a person does what is wrong, their failure to do what is right is an intellectual error, or due to their own ignorance about what is right. If the person knew what was right, he would have done it. Hence, it is impossible for someone to simultaneously know what is right and do what is wrong. If someone does what is wrong, they do so because they do not know what is right, and if they claim to have known what was right at the time when they committed the wrong, they are mistaken, for had they truly known what was right, they would have done it.”

Donald Trump and Socrates have a lot in common. Is Donald Trump the philosopher of what we find in Socrates? Not by a long shot. The commonality is he was put to death or, in Trump's case, attacked by the media and Democrats and at the hands of his fellow citizens on charges of impiety and corruption. Why? It is because he thinks differently. Trump's ongoing trial in the media, along with the social and political context in which this has occurred, hold commonality. Human nature has changed very little, in my opinion.

I did not know; I did not err willingly in my life. Your education is the most important priority you can achieve today. Gain the knowledge to not make mistakes later in life. If you are struggling, work harder; if you are still struggling, ask for help, there is not one person in this room who is not willing to help you make something of your life. Remember this, education does not equal knowledge when the education you receive is an indoctrination. According to a recent survey, college professors should realize that 52% of their students are afraid to say anything that goes against the professor's doctrine. What a sad day in the life of a student, afraid to ask a question. At this time, let us thank God for the public library where anyone can gain knowledge. You have got to want knowledge more than anything else in the world, even more than the breath you take. Do not make my mistakes, I truly regret not finishing college and even though I have gone on to be wealthy and successful, I regret not finishing. Don’t make the same mistake.

Closing Remarks:
We have discussed what the rural conservative stands for. We believe in working hard to get ahead and not free handouts. You are not special and, the laws of the land already make for fair achievement. The fair achievement was won within the civil rights movement, and we are indeed grateful for the sacrifice of those whose vision made this possible. We are leery of the social welfare movement that accompanied the civil rights movement. Social welfare in its form today is thought to be detrimental to achievement. Are there those who need a helping hand? Sure there are, but when 56% of America are the only ones paying taxes that, does not bode well for “all of America?” If you want to live here, then contribute to living here and, it is that simple. We live our lives well, despite our lowly income and disadvantages early in life. We live by simple rules. We say it is better to die on your feet than to crawl on your knees and pray at the altar of socialism. We say it is better to achieve on your own than to take from others. To take from others is a form of slavery. 

The mainstream media, politicians, and Hollywood depict white southern men as racist, ignorant, homophobic, and evil. This is far from the truth, many southern men and women of all heritages have contributed to our great nation and have resided in the south, Martin Luther King, George Washington Carver, NASA engineer, and writer -Homer Hickman, Norbert Rillieux, Charles Townes just to name a few.

Despite a rural upbringing, low social standing, poor and uneducated like some of the scientists mentioned above, I have struggled, fought, worked hard, and made good decisions to achieve a good life. This achievement does not discriminate; without these traits, all citizens will fail. No amount of social welfare will help you achieve a good life, a happy life. This is why we call for “the pursuit of happiness.” Happiness is not an entitlement; it must be earned. While some fringe elements on both the left and the right promote hate, we must be mindful of the majority in the middle and not allow ourselves to become the fringe.

Passion/virtue/vice, It is virtue we should seek, and I believe our friend Congressman. Ben Crenshaw has exemplified this virtue. The one thing that Democrats fear most is success and self-reliance. If we are all successful, we do not need the crutch of the government to lean on; this, in turn, can shrink our federal government and take power back from those who want to control us. We need to mimic what our founding fathers meant for us in the beginning. If you have not done so, obtain the knowledge of John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. Seek the knowledge of the federalist papers, our Constitution and, The Bill of Rights. Understand our founding fathers' intent for making America great. If there is no class on this subject, you should demand one.

Note: Another author to read: Dr. Walter Williams George Mason University. Visit his website and gain his knowledge, read his books, understand self-reliance and understand the puppet masters.

If we are to come together, I can only ask that we open our minds, look left, and look right. We realize puppet masters create the shadows on the wall. Some puppet masters tell the story of division and hate and can be found in high school classrooms, college classrooms, our government, and the media. We offer you a chance to break your chains, to walk out of the cave and into the light.

The walk of life through the cave or up the never-ending and winding staircase is tough and can only be accomplished through self-reliance, hard work, and knowing thyself. We are waiting for you at the entrance to the cave, encouraging you to come forth and live a life of self- reliance and self-awareness. Kayne West, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Walter Williams, and I dare not enter the cave to help you. The puppet masters who intend to keep you in your place will martyr us if we enter.

One last thought: Dan Crenshaw said it best “We do not have to be

outraged by offensive material because it was offensive.” We do not have to be outraged because we disagree. This is why you do not see southern men in the streets every time you disparage him, ridicule him, thrust hate speech at him. 

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