Publius is a reference to Publius
Valerius Publicola, a supporter of the Roman Republic. John Jay, Alexander
Hamilton, and James Madison used the pen name Publius, to create essays. These
essays were used to convince New York and Virginia to adopt the constitution as
written in Philadelphia 1787. A
pseudonym was used by many at the time to debate, for and against the
constitution. Some wanted to keep their independence and create mini-states
with no affiliation with another. Others wanted a federal government with
limited powers. We are fortunate that the writers of what we now know as the
Federalist papers, won the day and our constitution was ratified. My point is when the NY Times published the
anonymous op-ed detailing what I might refer to as a spy, hell-bent on
resisting the POTUS, I want you to know it is not unusual. Here in
Virginia, we have the Williamsburg Gazette's last word. The last word was
created around this very idea of anonymous speech. Ben Franklin used a
pseudonym Silence Dogwood to write letters. I have used a pseudonym in the
past. I had suspected, I had been blacklisted by the Daily Press and
Williamsburg Gazette. I chose the pseudonym Alpheus Baker. I wrote one opinion
under this name after many opinions had been rejected and for months. The very
first opinion I wrote, was published. Since that day, I have been published
again only after revealing my trickery. Note: I usually write way past my 250-word limit so, sometimes it is on me to limit my content
to be considered.
While we can agree our history is
littered with published pseudonyms and anonymity opinions, such a classless
approach to change found in the NY Times today, is rather repugnant to me. The writer of the op-ed found in
the NY Times this week was either false or the writer is a coward. For the NY
Times to publish such an attack shows us the mainstream media bias toward the
POTUS. I choose to see this op-ed as "fake news" unless the NY Times
publishes a name. The corrupt Washington Post is reporting sleeper cells inside
the WH resisting the POTUS. This is fake news unless the Post can produce named
sources. Here is hoping the secret service raids the Washington Post and NY
times to find the spies and traitors or confirm the fake news as, enough is enough.
I have had the liberty to observe the
supreme court proceedings this week. I find the minorities attempt to publicly
humiliate the prospect for the supreme court to be childish. Let us be clear,
Cory Booker's feverish stall tactic and one-upmanship proved to be the fatal wreck of, a ship of fools. A
reference to Spartacus plays for us the same old tired battle hymn of race and
slavery. Nothing more than a means to divide and rally an uneducated voter. At least
Spartacus died on the battlefield heroically. Cory
Booker committed suicide in today's hearings.
I have to ask, how is Senator Blumenthal
able to live with himself, caught lying to veterans. How can the Democrats
stand there and accuse the POTUS of dodging the Vietnam war when within their own
ranks, Senator Blumenthal, did the same thing. At least the POTUS was honest
about his whereabouts during the war. Senator Blumenthal lied and stole valor.
This man has no business representing Americans let alone sitting in on the
confirmation hearings.
In closing, I believe the Democrats and the media are purposely releasing fake opinions and news to distract from the confirmation hearings. I believe these two entities are working together to destroy our freedom, our nation and willfully use any means necessary to grab power.
In closing, I believe the Democrats and the media are purposely releasing fake opinions and news to distract from the confirmation hearings. I believe these two entities are working together to destroy our freedom, our nation and willfully use any means necessary to grab power.